幹事會職能及選舉詳情可參閱本會網頁 http://www.hkcwccaa.org.hk/wp/
有興趣成為下屆幹事的校友,請於十月三十一日或以前將姓名、聯絡電話及離校年份,電郵至 election@hkcwccaa.org.hk (主旨表明 「舊生會幹事募集」)。期待大家積極參與!
The HKCWCC Alumni Association (HKCWCCAA) Executive Committee’s (EC) term of office would be ending by the end of the year. Alumni are invited to stand for the election as EC. Please reply the e-mail indicating your preference on or before 31 Oct 2021. For details, you may refer to our website http://www.hkcwccaa.org.hk/wp/
Looking forward to your active participation!