Mentorship Programme 師友計劃 2019-20

不經不覺 Mentorship Programme 在過往十年為校友和學生締造了一個愉快的師友氛圍。希望大家都認同計劃的理念,實踐薪火相傳的意義。

本屆師友計劃將於今年十一月九日 (星期六) 黃昏六時至八時假母校禮堂舉行啟動禮。我們誠邀閣下參加來屆師友計劃作為 mentor,有興趣參與的舊生請於10月20日(星期日)或之前填妥報名表格:。本會將個別電郵通知成功參加者。

You are cordially invited to be a mentor of HKCWCC Mentorship Programme 2019-20. Over the past decade, the programme had been successful with positive responses from alumni and students. We are having Mentorship Programme launching ceremony on 9th Nov, 2019 (Sat), 6-8pm at HKCWCC Hall. Interested fellows (including current tertiary students) please spare a few minutes to fill in the form:

We very much look forward to your application by 20th Oct, 2019!
