2018 校友校董選舉候選人名單 及 9月1日選舉論壇安排

– 袁阡佑 (1983/5A)
– 溫倩蓓 (1988/5B)
– 余用林 (2006/7S)

本會於九月一日(周六)晚 20:30-21:30 在母校一樓地理室舉辦選舉論壇,歡迎所有舊生參與(毋需事先登記)。候選人資料、政綱和選舉論壇詳情將會被上載,敬請留意本會稍後公布。請各位校友踴躍出席選舉論壇與候選人面對面直接交流,並在九月二十三日(周日)投票日投票!

The HKCWCCAA Electoral Affairs Committee received three valid nominations for the 6th IMC Alumni Manager Election during the nomination period. They were confirmed to be the candidates of the Election:
– YUEN Chin Yau, Laurence (1983/5A)
– WAN Sin Pui, Lydia (1988/5B)
– YU Yung Lam, Jacky (2006/7S)
Candidate information would be uploaded in due course. Alumni are encouraged to attend the election forum on 1/9/2018 (Sat) 20:30-21:30 at the HKCWCC Geography Room by walk-in means (no prior registration required), and to vote on the polling day, thank you for your kind attention!