
舊生會「意見收集處」在二月期間,曾就母校應否參加教育局之「自願優化班級結構」展開廣泛諮詢,在諮詢期內共接到多份來自不同屆別校友及同學的書面意見。諮詢期完結後,本會把所有收集得來的意見整理成報告書(Opinion Paper)。為方便讀者,本會亦特別準備了簡短的行政摘要 (Executive Summary),供所有校友、同學、老師及其他持分者參考。


“Voluntary Optimization of Class Structure” Alumni Consultation Reports

The “Opinion Collection Center” of the Alumni Association (AA) conducted a consultation exercise in February on the issue of our alma mater’s application to Education Bureau’s “Voluntary Optimization of Class Structure”.  During the consultation period, a number of written submissions from alumni and students were received.  AA has summarized all the written opinions and concluded the views in a Opinion Paper.  To facilitate reading, we have also prepared an Executive Summary, which both documents are intended for alumni, students, teachers and other stakeholder’s references.

We thank you for your precious opinions and look forward to your continuous support in the future.