


1號候選人 源大璋校友 32票

2號候選人 謝德新校友 66票

3號候選人 鄭永健校友 17票

廢票 2張


選舉當日,舊生會尚舉行了「Wii Wii嘩嘩運動日」,比賽驚險刺激。各比賽項目之得獎者獲得舊生會送出的精美獎牌、獎杯,皆大歡喜。

有關投票及運動日之相片,可到舊生會網址 www.hkcwccaa.org.hk 瀏覽。


Successful Conclusion of the 2nd Alumni Manager Election

The Electoral Affairs Commission (EAC) of the Alumni Association held the 2nd IMC Alumni Manager Election on September 17 and 18.  The Election nominates one alumni to the IMC of our alma mater, who shall engage in the management of school matters.  We have invited alumni to take part in the Election through sending thousands of emails, SMS, website message and posting message on the School notice board.

Throughout the nomination period, I have received three valid nominations: Candidate number 1 Mr. YUEN Tai-cheung, Gannis (1990/7S), number 2 Dr. TSE Tak-sun (1988/7S), and number 3 Dr. CHENG Wing-kin, Ken. We are glad to notice that a number of old friends returned to their alma mater after parting for more than 20 years. The Election results are as follows:

1. Mr. YUEN Tai-cheung, Gannis – 32 votes

2. Dr. TSE Tak-sun – 66 votes

3. Dr. CHENG Wing-kin – 17 votes

Void ballots – 2

Dr. TSE Tak-sun is duly elected in this Election, and shall be appointed as the next Alumni Manager by the IMC.

We also held a “Wii Sports Day” during the Election.  All participants enjoyed the thrilling games, and winners were awarded medals and trophies.

Please refer to our official website www.hkcwccaa.org.hk for photos.

We hope that you will continue to show your support to HKCWCC and Alumni Association by participating in all our future events!  Hope to see you later!