In Loving Memory — Mrs. Hung Luk Lai Wah

舊生及同學能在facebook群組 MRS HUNG 我們永遠懷念您… 留言,為Mr. Hung及家人送上最衷心和溫暖的祝福。





香港中國婦女會中學舊生會 敬啟

(學術幹事 蔡松霖 (2007/5D) 代行)

洪陸麗華老師 輓聯



舊生會秘書李宗瀚 二零零六年/七文


Dear alumni and friends,

It is a sudden and immense sad news that our beloved Mandarin and PE teacher, Mrs. Hung Luk LW, left us peacefully on June 25 at 14:00, after a long battle with illness.  It is particularly saddened for alumni who have known or being taught by Mrs. Hung in the past 30 years.  In this difficult time, we, the Alumni Association, would like to offer our deepest condolences to Mr. Hung YN and her daughters.

A funeral service of Mrs. Hung will be held on July 11 (Sunday) in Hong Kong Funeral Home, Quarry Bay.  The service will be from 17:00 to 22:00.  On the next day (July 12), the cremation ceremony will be held in Cape Collinson Crematorium at 15:15.  Participants shall leave Hong Kong Funeral Home at 14:15 at Room 304.

Alumni who would like to pay a last tribute to Mrs. Hung may visit the Hong Kong Funeral Home next Sunday or Monday.

Our condolence message follows this e-mail.

May God bless Mr. Hung and his family during this time and always.

Best regards,

Timothy Chung-lam CHOI (2007/5D, Cultural Secretary)

for HKCWCC Alumni Association

Eulogy for Mrs. Hung from the HKCWCC Alumni Association

A good teacher to be loved. A great friend to be remembered.

We can still recall her very sincere smile in her every sentence.

We can still remember her not-so-fluent but cordial Cantonese and her virtuoso proficiency in Mandarin.

We can still thank the Almighty God for giving us such a wonderful lady and has taken her back in his arms peacefully again.

We can still believe today is just a temporary departure, not a perpetual parting.

We can still be grateful enough to thank her for everything she did to make our life more beautiful and substantial.

“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Mrs. Hung had definitely left us a trail, a trail that is sure to be followed by her students and friends. Life is short; love is however eternal. We are here to commemorate not only a great teacher, but a gracious and caring friend and hero for all of our lives. It is a bitter fact for the old friends of Mrs. Hung that we all have to lose such a splendid companion in the limited journey of our life. The discovery of her passing is even harder for the new friends in which the invaluable friendship is continuously to be flourished in such an immensely expedited pace. Things can get emotional all the time. Human’s feelings are tender and affective enough not to be able to accept the tactile sense of farewell. Mrs. Hung gradually lost her physical activities after the terrible terminal disease. However the disease only damaged her health but had never stolen her confidence and determination in living an even better life. Nonetheless we are so pleased to know that every single day of Mrs. Hung’s life was blessed with happiness and fulfillment, not even a day was singled out by this blessing.

Mrs. Hung, we love you so much. This is not a repeated cliché, but the most common expression we could ever voice in front of you.

“Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright: for the end of that man is peace.” (Psalm 37:37)

Goodbye, our beloved and cherished Mrs. Hung.

Timmy Chung-lam CHOI (2007/5D)

Cultural Secretary, HKCWCCAA

On behalf of the Alumni Association and all Alumni