Annual General Meeting 2007

日期: 2007年12月1日(星期六)
Date: 1 December 2007 (Saturday)

時間: 下午3時至5時
Time: 3:00pm – 5:00pm

地點: 母校禮堂
Venue: School Hall


  1. 主席致歡迎詞
    Welcome Speech of Chairperson
  2. 名譽顧問黃明孝校長致詞
    Message from the Honorary Advisor, Mr. Wong MH
  3. 會務報告及財務報告
    Annual Report & Financial Report
  4. 修改本會憲章
    Amendment of Constitution
  5. 選舉2008/09年度幹事會
    Election of New Executive Committee (2008/09)
  6. 2008/09年度幹事會宣誓儀式
    Oath Ceremony of New Executive Committee (2008/09)
  7. 校歌
    School Song
  8. 致送紀念品予嘉賓及名譽顧問
    Present Souvenirs to Guests and Honorary Advisor
  9. 會議總結
    Closing Remark of the AGM